How Evolution Flunked the Science Test!



How old is the earth? How long ago was it made? Evolutionists tell us it was made billions of years ago, but of course they weren't alive then. Actually, there is a lot of evidence showing our world only came into existence about 6,000 years ago. We will look at a few, a very few, of the reasons we know this to be so, this week and next week.

It is amazing how the facts of science vindicate the Bible Writings. It says in the Bible that God made this world about 6,000 years ago.

When we turn to the discoveries of scientists, archaeologists, and historians, we learn that the information they discovered agrees with what the Bible says. Consider these facts:

1: Our sun is gradually shrinking! It is getting smaller, and fast enough that only 50,000 years ago, the sun would have been so large that our oceans would boil. In far less time, all life on earth would have ceased to exist. So our world can't be very old.

2: Comets are believed to be as old as our solar system, and they continually circle the sun. But they are constantly breaking up and going to pieces. This is happening so fast that the comets cannot be over 10,000 years old.

3: Ultraviolet radiation changes rocks on the moon into dust. It had long been predicted that, since the moon was supposed to be 4 billion years old, a thick layer of dust (20-60 miles must cover the moon's surface. But, when men went to the moon, they did not find over 2-3 inches (5.08-7.62 cm) of dust there. Yet that is just the amount expected, if the moon was not older than a few thousand years.

4: A lot of moon rocks were brought back to earth. Many of them were radioactive. But, if the moon was even 50,000 years old, many of the radioactive elements in them should long ago have turned into lead. But there is not enough lead in those rocks. So the moon can't be older than a few thousand years.

5: Did you know the moon is too close to us? And did you know it is gradually moving away from us? How can this be? Scientists call it lunar recession. Based on the rate at which it is moving away from us, the moon cannot be very old. If it were even 20,000 to 30,000 years old, it would, at an earlier time, have been so close that it would have fallen into our planet!

6: Did you know that meteor craters are never found in the rock strata? Yet they would be found there if, as evolutionists say, millions of years were required to lay down that rock. Instead, meteor craters always lie close to or on the earth's surface. Thus, all the meteors which have struck the earth have hit it with in the last few thousand years. The reason, of course, is simple: The earth wasn't here before then.

7: When meteors strike the earth, they are called meteorites. Supposedly, they have been hitting the earth for millions of years, yet the meteorites are only found at or close to the earth's surface. None are ever found in the deeper sedimentary strata. Therefore, the earth is young and the sedimentary strata was quickly laid down at the Flood.

8: Tektites are a special type of glassy meteorite. Every so often, a shower of them falls to the earth and lands over a wide area. But each shower lies on the surface or in the topmost layers of the soil; they are never found in the sedimentary fossil-bearing strata. If the earth were billions of years old, they should be found in all the strata. In addition, they never show more than a few thousand years of weathering.

9: The spin of the earth is gradually slowing down. If our world was billions of years old, it would already have stopped turning. Or, thinking about it a different way, a billion years ago our planet would be spinning so fast, it would have become a pancake! So, either way you look at it, our earth cannot be more than a few thousand years old.

10: The earth has a molten iron core in its middle, which produces a magnetic field. That magnetism, which has been checked for over 150 years, is lessening. Even 7,000 years ago, the earth would have had a magnetic field 32 times stronger than it is now. Only 20,000 years ago, enough heat would have been generated to liquefy the planet. Therefore, the earth cannot be over 6,000 or 7,000 years old! This is an important discovery. =^..^=